

Part # Product Suggested Counterstain Use
1180 Gill Hematoxylin II and III IHC
1202 Hematoxylin – Mayer Modified Congo Red, Oil Red O, Rhodanine, IHC
12204 Light Green 0.02% Fungus GMS
12203 Light Green 0.1% Fungus PAS Light Green/Basement Membrane
12202 Light Green 0.2% Urates
1220 Light Green 1% Stock: Requires dilution
1221 Light Green 2% Stock: Requires dilution
12235 Metanil Yellow Mucicarmine
12253 Methyl Green 2% IHC
12402 Methylene Blue 0.5% AFB Ziehl Neelsen / AFB Fite
1240 Methylene Blue 1.4% Alcoholic AFB Counterstain requiring dilution
1255 Nuclear Fast Red Alcian Blue pH 2.5 / Colloidal Iron / Argentaffin / Argyrophil / Iron / Reticulum / Calcium/Melanin
14016 Tartrazine 0.25%, Acetic Mucicarmine
14015 Tartrazine 1.5% Brown and Hopps Gram
1404 Van Gieson Elastic/Bile
1409 Weigert Hematoxylin Mucicarmine, Trichrome