Microorganism Stains


  • Shelf Life for most Stain Kits is one year from date manufactured.
  • Store Stain Kits at 15-30°C unless otherwise stated.
  • Most Stain Kits include 2 Complimentary Positive Control Slides to be used for the initial verification of staining techniques and reagents.
  • Stain solution groups are sold as individual products under separate part numbers with storage requirements and expiration date designated per bottle.
  • H = Hazardous


Histological Stain Kit AFB, Basic Fuchsin, Ellis & Zabrowarny

AFB, Basic Fuchsin, Ellis & Zabrowarny Stain Kit

Stains acid-fast bacilli without the use of phenol.  A surfactant substitution is made for phenol which renders the bacterial cell wall permeable to the stain.  Results are comparable to the traditional Ziehl-Neelsen method.

      • Microwave Modification Included


Part # 91012A 250 ml kit $116.00 H
Histological Stain Kit AFB, Fite

AFB, Fite Stain Kit

Detects the presence of either Nocardia sp. or Mycobacterium leprae sp. (causative agent of leprosy) in tissue sections.

Part # 91013A 250 ml kit $150.00 H
AFB, Kinyoun Stain

AFB Stain, Kinyoun

Click “View Product” to display stains & solutions for this procedure.  Reagents are sold under separate part numbers with storage requirements and expiration date designated per bottle.

Part # Non-Kit      
Histological Stain Kit AFB, Ziehl-Neelsen

AFB, Ziehl-Neelsen Stain Kit

Detects the presence of acid-fast mycobacteria in tissue sections.  Carbol Fuchsin Stain, Ziehl-Neelsen, combines phenol and basic fuchsin that works to permeate the lipoid capsule of acid-fast organisms and renders them resistant to acid alcohol decolorization.

Part # 9101A 250 ml kit $79.50 H
Histological Stain Kit Differential

Differential Stain Kit

(use: Hematological Staining & Special Stain for Helicobacter pylori)

Differential staining of peripheral blood smears, touch imprints, fine needle aspirations (FNA), bone marrow biopsy aspirations, as well as detecting  Helicobacter pylori sp. in GI tissue.  Can be used for smears, touch imprints and tissue sections.  This is a modification of the Wright Giemsa Stain technique using aqueous based stain solutions and a methanol fixative.  Procedures for both monochromatic and polychromatic versions of the Differential Stain are provided.

      • Shelf Life is 2 years from date of manufacture.


Part # 9112B 500 ml kit $78.00 H
GMS Stain (Grocott Methenamine Silver) Fungus

Fungus, Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) Stain Kit

Stains a variety of fungal organisms including: Pneumocystis carinii, Aspergillus, Blastomyces, Candida and Histoplasma.

      • Microwave Modification Included


Part # 9121A 250 ml kit $303.00 H
Part # 9121B 500 ml kit $553.00 H
Histological Stain Kit Fungus, PAS/Light Green

Fungus, PAS/Light Green Stain Kit

Stains fungus and glycoproteins. Polysaccharides present in fungal cell walls are oxidized by the periodic acid to aldehydes. The aldehydes then react with Schiff Reagent, McManus to yield magenta colored fungi.

Part # 9122A 250 ml kit $166.00  
Histological Stain Kit Fungus, Gram, Brown-Hopps

Gram, Brown-Hopps Stain Kit

Stains gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and uses Gallego solution to differentiate the organisms.

Part # 9124A 250 ml kit $156.00 H
Histological Stain Kit Fungus, Gram, Brown-Brenn

Gram, Brown-Brenn Modified Stain Kit

Used for differential staining of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in tissue sections, cultures and smears.

      • No Picric Acid!
      • Safer, faster, more efficient


Part # 9123A 250 ml kit $159.70 H
Histological Stain Kit Fungus, Gram, Hucker-Twort

Gram, Hucker-Twort Stain Kit

Stains gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria without the use of picric acid.  The Fast Green secondary counterstain provides the green background for clear detection of any red gram-negative bacteria present.

      • Shelf Life is 2 years from date of manufacture.


Part # 9125A 250 ml kit $167.50 H
Histological Stain Kit Helicobacter, Toluidine Blue/Alcian Yellow

Helicobacter Pylori Stain Kit

Used to screen and detect Helicobacter pylori in gastrointestinal biopsy specimens.

Part # 9130A 250 ml kit $267.00 H
Histological Stain Kit Steiner-Chapman Modified Silver

Steiner-Chapman Modified Silver Stain Kit

Stains spirochetes, Helicobacter pylori, Legionella pneumophila, other nonfilamentous bacteria and fungus. Eliminates the use of Uranyl Nitrate.

      • No Uranyl Nitrate!
      • Faster, more efficient
      • Microwave Modification Included


Part # 9172A 250 ml kit $248.00 H
Part # 9172B 500 ml kit $450.00 H
Histological Stain Kit Steiner-Steiner Modified Silver

Steiner-Steiner Modified Silver Stain Kit

A silver stain for identifying spirochetes, Helicobacter pylori, Legionella pneumophila, other nonfilamentous bacteria and fungus.

      • Faster, more efficient
      • Microwave Modification Included


Part # 9171A 250 ml kit $377.00 H