Substrate/Chromogen Systems
Turbo Action Stable Liquid DAB and AEC for Peroxidase (HRP) Staining
Fast Developing (1-5 minutes). Only 2 components. “Good to the last drop”; left over mixed DAB solution stable for up to 3 weeks. Stains 1200 slides.
Turbo Alkaline Phosphatase Chromogens
Fast Developing (5-10 minutes). Two components for Innovex Fast Red. Single solution for Permanent Innovex Brown (DAB like color) for alkaline phosphatase staining. Single solution for Permanent BCIP/NBT with no background or leeching out.
Signal Enhancing Wash Buffers
Alkaline Phosphatase-Enhancing Wash Buffer
(For amplifying Fast Red, BCIP/NBT, Innovex Brown & other substrate chromogens for alkaline phosphatase enzyme staining.)