Helicobacter, Artificial

Helicobacter, Artificial Stained Histology Slide

Validation Stain: Differential
Other Applicable Stains: Warthin Starry, Steiner-Steiner Modified Silver, Steiner-Chapman Modified Silver and Modified Giemsa


Recommended for use with Differential Stain.

(Not in human tissue.) Organisms artificially introduced into a rat organ (e.g., lung) through a non-infective process.

(+) Rat Lung
Adhesive or Charged Slides: 
Superfrost +

Product Options:

Part # 4275A 10/set $60.80
Part # 4275B 98/set $452.40


Tissue:  Positive staining rat lung.
Fixation: Formalin 10%, Phosphate Buffered (Part 1090).
Section/Glass: Paraffin sections cut at 4 microns on Superfrost™ Plus slides.
Quality Control Stain:  Thiazine quality control stained slide(s) included.
Reactivity: Guaranteed product specific reactivity for one year from date of receipt. Revalidate after one year to verify continued reactivity. 
Storage: 15-30°C in a light deprived and humidity controlled environment.
Intended Use: To verify histological techniques and reagent reactivity.

Before using unstained control slides, review the enclosed stained slide(s) to ensure that this tissue source is acceptable for testing needs.



With Differential Stain, Monochromatic Method: Individual Stain Solution
Thiazine Stain Part 10522



Newcomer Supply Helicobacter, Artificial Control Slides are for the positive histochemical staining of spiral shaped Helicobacter bacterium, associated with stomach inflammation and implicated in the development of gastric malignancy, peptic ulcers, and chronic gastritis.

Helicobacter pylori purchased from American Type Culture Collection is used to produce the positive control tissue.



    1. Heat dry sections in oven according to your laboratory protocol.
    2. Deparaffinize sections thoroughly in three changes of xylene, 3 minutes each. Hydrate through two changes each of 100% and 95% ethyl alcohols, 10 dips each.  Wash well with distilled water.
    3. Place slides in Thiazine Stain for 1-4 minutes depending upon staining intensity preference.
    4. Rinse slides quickly in distilled water; long enough to remove excess stain.
    5. Allow slides to air-dry in a vertical position.
    6. Dip dried slides in xylene and coverslip with compatible mounting medium.
        1. See Procedure Note #1.



Helicobacter Dark blue
Collagen and muscle Blue
Nuclei Blue
Cytoplasm Varying shades of light blue



    1. The elimination of dehydration steps is necessary to retain the dark stain of the organism.
    2. If using a xylene substitute, follow manufacturer’s recommendation for deparaffinization and coverslipping steps.



    1. Potvin, Carol. “A Modified Diff-Quik Stain for Helicobacter pylori in Gastrointestinal Biopsies.” Laboratory Medicine6 (1994): 389-391.
    2. Skipper, Ray, and Don DeStephano. “A Rapid Stain for Campylobacter pylori in Gastrointestinal Tissue Sections Using Diff-Quik.” The Journal of Histotechnology4 (1989): 303-304.
    3. Modifications developed by Newcomer Supply Laboratory.