Mount-Quick Aqueous

Mount Quick Aqueous Mounting Medium

  • Aqueous Mounting Medium.
  • Liquid at Room Temp.
  • Suitable for use with lipoid sections, solvent soluble IHC chromogens and frozen sections.
  • 30 cc, pH 7
  • Manufactured by Daido Sangyo Co. Ltd.

Product Options:

Part # 6271A each $33.00


30 cc Bottle
Mount-Quick Aqueous Part 6271A


For storage requirements and expiration date refer to individual product label.


Newcomer Supply Mount-Quick Aqueous is a ready-to-use liquid mounting medium for histological techniques that require an aqueous based mounting medium and when dehydrating and clearing agents will adversely affect the stain, such as:  lipid/fat stains, crystal violet stains and solvent soluble immunoperoxidase chromogenic procedures.

Mount-Quick Aqueous mounting medium is not recommended for use in immunofluorescence procedures.



Technique:  Paraffin or frozen sections



    1. Initial use of Mount-Quick Aqueous; with a clean blade, slice open the bottle tip at a slight angle in order to allow a controlled flow of mounting medium and minimal development of air bubbles.
        1. Keep Mount-Quick Aqueous tightly capped when not in use to avoid evaporation and maintain solution viscosity.
    2. Complete staining procedure and final rinsing step; blot excess water from slide edges.
    3. Apply Mount-Quick Aqueous mounting medium to flow over and fully cover the tissue section.
    4. Install coverglass, one edge first, allowing air bubbles to escape as the opposite edge is lowered to slide.
        1. See Procedure Note #1.
    5. Wipe off excess mounting medium from sides and bottom of slide.
        1. See Procedure Note #2.
    6. Dry slide in a horizontal position. Edges of the coverslip will dry sufficiently to hold the coverslip in place.
    7. Prevent dried edges and accumulation of extraneous air bubbles that may form due to evaporation and long-term storage by sealing coverglass edges with a thin coat of clear nail polish/lacquer. Allow sealed slide to dry thoroughly before filing.



    1. In lipid staining procedures, use minimal pressure when applying coverslip or fat/lipid staining may be displaced.
    2. To remove trapped air bubbles under coverslip; soak slide in warm water until coverslip is easily removed. Blot excess water from slide and remount with new coverslip and Mount-Quick Aqueous.
    3. Mount-Quick Aqueous refractive index (1.41) is close to that of glass (1.52).



    1. Bancroft, John D., and Marilyn Gamble. Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. 6th ed. Oxford: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008. 693.
    2. Carson, Freida L., and Christa Hladik Cappellano. Histotechnology: A Self-Instructional Text. 4th ed. Chicago: ASCP Press, 2015. 131-132, 183-185.
    3. Modifications developed by Newcomer Supply Laboratory.