Hydrochloric Acid 5%, Aqueous

Newcomer Supply Beaker

(use: For acid cleaning glassware prior to silver, calcium and iron staining.)

Product Options:

Part # 12086A 1 L $27.00 H
Part # 12086B 1 gal $70.20 H
Part # 12086C 20 L $116.00 H


Part 12086A Part 12086B Part 12086C
Hydrochloric Acid 5%, Aqueous 1 Liter 1 Gallon 20 Liters


For storage requirements and expiration date refer to individual bottle label.



Newcomer Supply Hydrochloric Acid 5%, Aqueous is a ready-to-use solution for acid cleaning glassware and is instrumental in ensuring laboratory glassware/plasticware is properly acid cleaned prior to solution preparation and performing silver, iron or calcium staining procedures.



Solutions:  All solutions are manufactured by Newcomer Supply, Inc.



    1. Before proceeding with acid cleaning, all glassware/plasticware should be cleaned with a laboratory grade glassware detergent, washed and well rinsed.
        1. Most new glass is slightly alkaline and should be washed before initial use.
    2. Using appropriate safety precautions, pour sufficient Hydrochloric Acid 5%, Aqueous into glassware; gently swirl to thoroughly coat all surfaces/sides/edges with the solution.
    3. Repeat this process for all glassware/plasticware to be used in procedures that requires acid cleaning, including bottles, beakers, flasks, Coplin jars, graduated cylinders, stir rods, pipettes, thermometers and lids.
        1. See Procedure Note #1.
    4. Rinse all glassware/plasticware with a minimum of four changes of distilled water, ensuring that all surfaces/sides/edges have been rinsed well.
        1. It is essential that the final rinses are distilled water or chlorine-free water. Tap water rinses may leave surface contaminates on glassware/plasticware resulting in potential staining issues.
    5. Dry glassware in a designated area for acid cleaned glassware.



    1. Use fresh Hydrochloric Acid 5%, Aqueous with every batch of glassware acid cleaned. The solution can be reused on multiple pieces of glassware/plasticware that are acid cleaned at the same time.



    1. aceglass.com. “What Are Good Cleaning Techniques for Laboratory Glassware?,” December 20, 2016.
    2. Sheehan, Dezna C., and Barbara B. Hrapchak. Theory and Practice of Histotechnology. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1980. 134.
    3. Modifications developed by Newcomer Supply Laboratory.