Mounting Media


PERMANENT MOUNTING MEDIA for Immunohistochemistry, H&E and IF, etc. Permanently preserves AEC, DAB, Fast Red and other immuno stains plus dye chemistry stains. Sets in 5 minutes at RT. Mount permanently & directly from water.  No fading of chromogens or dyes. Fluid at RT, no warming is necessary. No fume hood needed to mount. Makes bench top mounting possible (no alcohol or xylene is involved). Excellent optical clarity & resolution. Simple soaking in water removes cover slip when required. Saves time, mounting time of less than 10 seconds per slide. Shelf life 3 years. Store at 15-30°C.

advantage Mounting Medium by Innovex Biosciences

ADVANTAGE Permanent Mounting Media

Permanently preserves AEC, DAB, Fast Red and other immuno stains plus dye chemistry stains. Sets in 5 minutes at RT.

This product is located in the Slides & Cover Slips Section.

Click Here for part number and pricing.

H&E Mount by Innovex Biosciences

H&E Mount

Unique, permanent mounting media designed for coverslipping H&E stains from water or alcohol. Reduce time in eosin if cover slipping from water. Sets in 10 minutes.

This product is located in the Slides & Cover Slips Section.

Click Here for part number and pricing.

Probe Mounting Medium by Innovex Biosciences

Probe Mount

Nuclear Fast Red stained specimens can be permanently mounted. Mount immunofluorescence & in-situ slides from water. Sets in 5 minutes.

This product is located in the Slides & Cover Slips Section.

Click Here for part number and pricing.